Hops & Cider at Kelly Ridge Farm
with Tumbling Creek Cider Company
Friday, July 23
3 pm-5 pm
Meet at Meadowview Town Square to carpool
(Near Exit 24, from I-81)
Kelly Ridge Farms has been worked by nine generations of Kellys since 1790. In 2013 the owners began growing hops, and in 2019 Tumbling Creek Cider Company began making hard cider at the farm. One of Tumbling Creek’s cider flavors incorporates these hops into its unique flavor.
See how hops are grown and harvested to provide the cidery and local breweries with locally sourced ingredients and how apples are pressed and processed to make hard cider in the cidery’s production facility. Hard Cider will be available to sample and purchase. Back in Abingdon, visit the Tumbling Creek Cider Company’s taproom at 112 Court Street.
Participants must meet at Meadowview Town Square to carpool to the farm at 3pm. This VHF experience will last approximately 2 hours. Please be prepared to tour a farm with comfortable shoes and appropriate wear for the weather.
Kelly Ridge Farms:
Phone Number: (865) 223-4400